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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, where you can find quick answers to common queries about my therapy services.

Whether you’re curious about the types of therapy I offer, how to schedule an appointment, or what to expect during your first session, I’ve got you covered. The Frequently Asked Questions section is designed to provide clarity and ease any concerns you might have as you embark on your journey towards better mental health. Browse the drop-down tabs below for answers to these frequently asked questions.


Where are you located?

My office is located at 1082 Havenwood Drive, in the Sherwood Forest Subdivision. My office is in an apartment behind the house. It comes into view as you come up the driveway. Look to the right, and you will see the white French doors that lead into the office, just across the courtyard.

Where should I park?

You may park in the carport or in the driveway.

What are your office hours?

Tuesday – Thursday   11 am – 5 pm

What can I expect for the Phone Consultation?

I will answer any questions that you may have and I will ask you some questions to make sure that we are a good fit before scheduling our intake (first) appointment. 

If I schedule an appointment what will happen?

Before we meet I will send you some forms online to fill out before our first appointment. We may decide to meet face to face in my office or via telehealth.  We will talk about what is happening in your life now that you are seeking therapy, your history as it will help me understand the challenges you are facing, and we will work on a treatment plan to determine what we can do to get you living your best life.

How long are sessions?

Sessions last 50 minutes. For special sessions, it is possible to extend our time, but insurance does not pay for that and they must be scheduled in advance.

How long is it going to take for me to feel better?

Some people say they begin to feel better after the first session, and for some it takes longer. Some issues such as trauma take longer to treat. I can teach you some techniques that may decrease the amount of time you will spend in therapy. If you want to get the most out of therapy and feel better sooner it is recommended that you do some work outside of the session. That could include practicing coping skills, writing, or practicing other skills we discussed in session.

How often should I come?

Ideally, I like to see new clients every week for at least eight weeks to get a good momentum started behind your change. I understand that not everyone is able to do that, though. Some people choose to come in a few times a week when they are in a lot of pain. Toward the end of therapy when people are feeling better, they may only come in once every month or two.

What insurance do you take?

Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO

A word of warning on insurance companies:

Most insurance companies are set up to provide profit to the company and their shareholders over quality care to the cardholder/client. Some insurance plans restrict the number of visits you may have for therapy.  Insurance companies require a diagnosis of chronic mental illness to pay for your treatment, and all insurance companies require me to report your diagnosis to them for payment of claims. There are some forms of therapy I use that they will not pay for. They can change their minds about paying your claims months or years after you have had the treatment, making you responsible for paying them back.  Most BCBS PPO plans pay for telehealth.

What if I still want to use my insurance?

If I accept your insurance, then that is no problem. I will ask you to give me a copy of the front and back of your insurance card so that I can verify benefits. 

If you don’t have BCBS PPO, then you would pay me directly for each session. If your insurance company offers Out-of-Network Benefits, I can give you a “superbill” that you can submit to your insurance company for partial reimbursement.

What do you charge for sessions?

I charge $150 for the first session and $130 for subsequent sessions.

How/when do I pay you?

Your credit card will automatically be billed the morning of your appointment. I accept Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, Discover, and Health Savings Accounts.

If I don’t come in, you don’t charge me, right?

I have, in good faith, reserved this appointment for you. I have a cancellation policy that states if you don’t provide me with at least 24 hours’ notice for cancelling an appointment or if you don’t come to your appointment, then you will pay the fee for that session. If you are using insurance and you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you will be charged for that session and insurance will not be billed.

My friend said their therapist fired them. Can that really happen?

As a therapist, I must inform clients as soon as possible if it turns out they have a problem I don’t have expertise in or work with. If that happens, I will help you find another therapist who specializes in the issue.

Who do you work with?

I work with adults age 21 and up.

What issues do you not work with?

I do not have specialized training in certain areas such as: treating people with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, eating disorders, or active addictions. I am not a trained sex therapist. I do not treat people who perpetrate physical or sexual abuse.

Do you have any specialized training?

Yes, I am trained as a trauma therapist and treat childhood trauma in adults. I also provide a specialized treatment called Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy. I am also a trained IFS therapist.

Will you judge me?

Hell no!

Will you see me if I’m not a Christian?

Of course!  I am not trained as a “Christian Counselor,” but am comfortable discussing matters of faith or spirituality at your request.  I see people of all faiths and practices as well as Atheists.

What if I’m gay?

Then I say, “Great, come on in!” I love working with the LGBTQIA+ community.

Are you a Kink Aware Professional?

Yes, I am.

Do I have to lie on your couch?

You can if it makes you more comfortable.

Are you just going to nod at me and not say anything?

Listening is important, but I will actively participate in our sessions.

Will you ask me about my mother?

Yes, but she won’t be the focus of your therapy.

Do I have to spill everything out in the first session?

I understand that there may be some things that you may not be ready to discuss with me, and that’s okay. We can take the time that you need to establish a trusting counseling relationship where you feel comfortable and tell me things in your own time.

Are you going to give me homework?

If you accept it, sometimes I will. I find that when clients only work on their issues for one hour once a week that change comes slowly. People who would like to see a more rapid change should plan on working on their issues even when not in my office.

My last therapist didn’t help me. Why should I come to you?

Clients tell me that they enjoy coming to me because I don’t judge them, I am easygoing, and I really listen and ask questions to better understand what my clients are going through. They like that we talk, and I teach them skills that move them closer to their goals. I have a lot of tools in my tool belt, and I don’t believe that there is just one therapy that helps people feel better.

Should I bring anything with me?

Yes, you may want to bring a notebook to jot down thoughts or ideas that you find helpful or to write down things that you can do and insights that you have between sessions.

Thanks for visiting my Frequently Asked Questions page! If you didn’t find what you were looking for in these frequently asked questions, you can Contact me directly and I’ll answer any questions you have!

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