Guys, is your sex life not satisfying with your partner?
Do you wish that you had sex more often?

If so, please keep reading.

Most women have just as strong a sex-drive as men do. However, women have to be in the right frame of mind to want to have sex – it’s just not as easy for us.

Many women come home from a day of work, take care of the kids, cook dinner, do chores, collapse in to bed exhausted, and think of all of the things that didn’t get done today.

Maybe you’re a fabulous partner, and you take care of some of those things. Does she then find more things that she needs to do, or does she take some time to relax?

A woman who is not relaxed, is not a woman in the mood for sex.

I often hear from the women I work with is that they wish their partner would help them out. Some of them are honest enough to say that if they didn’t feel so rushed, and had time to take a relaxing bath, that would help put them in the mood.

Some say that if their partner prepared that bath for them, and lit some candles, that would be romantic – they would feel cared for and more open to sex.


From, vacuuming, to doing the laundry, cooking dinner, to running a scented bath with candles – these are all things that will make your partner more responsive.

Remember that calendar from about a decade ago with men doing housework? It was called Porn for Women, and it really was.

Not because the guys were hot; but, because we fantasize sometimes about you doing the work and us relaxing and watching.

Why do I have to be the one that does all the work?

Gottman’s work has shown that when men give to their partner, it affects the relationship more positively than when women give into men. I’m not being sexist, this is just the way things work in a relationship.

Just remember, you should get back what you put into it. If this doesn’t work, that could be a sign of trust issues, which we will discuss Wednesday.

In the meantime, want to know more about women? Check out The Man’s Guide to Women by John Gottman, and you just may learn a thing or two.

** Just as an aside, how sad it is that this was the sexiest picture I could find of a man doing housework on my free picture site. There’s definite room for growth here, people!

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